2019 - Light Pollution - Multimedia Workshop
- 1st year of Bachelor's Degree in Design
- 2nd and 3rd years of Bachelor's Degree in Graphic & Digital Design
Every year, the school organises a great workshop for all students in 1st year of Bachelor's Degree in Design and in 2nd and 3rd years of Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design.
This week's assignment was for our students to create a short video and a visual to promote / disseminate the video. The workshop allowed students to familiarise themselves with video editing, video animation and with poster / flyer design.
After four and a half days of work, students presented their project to a jury: statement of intent, research log, story-bard, visual, and of course their video.
Students had a create a teaser (1-minute long animation video) and a visual to promote a thematic evening that would have been broadcasted on Arte on the following theme: « Light pollution: excessively illuminated? The challenges of light pollution ».