Our school
Autograf, the school of upcoming designers !
Message from the Director: Make way for upcoming designers!

Autograf was created 40 years ago! Its wealth of experience and pioneering spirit have allowed young talents to flourish and find their professional calling for several generations. These students now work as experienced professionals in an ever-changing creative industry. In order to support and guide you throughout this journey that will shape your future, I am committed to go even further, ever striving for success, innovation and creativity, remaining competititve in a fast-moving world to meet market demand and better respond to customer needs. All the while keeping true to an essential trait : a human-sized school where everyone is unique.
Autograf's harmony relies on a positive and dynamic atmosphere emanating from its students and academic team. I've been moved by the students' testimonials that you'll find on our website and our brochure. They show not only that our efforts have paid off but also reaffirm that this school provided them with great knowledge and an opportunity to develop their creativity throughout their academic journey and according to their personality.
I'd like to express my total confidence in those who work everyday to bring this school to life. I'd like to thank Autograf's academic team and students, a group of upcoming designers. And welcome to you, who will ensure the future !