Bachelor’s Degree in Manga and Animation France/Japan
Get into manga drawing and Japanese Design. In France and in Japan with our school partner OSAKA SOGO DESIGN
A partnership between AUTOGRAF and the Japanese school OSAKA SOGO DESIGN, offers students a four-year training in manga drawing, illustration and Japanese design.
This training requires a A-level diploma and is organised in two stages. The first one is composed of two training years in France. And the second one involves two years of training in Osaka, Japan, in one of the most prestigious schools of manga and design in Japan: OSAKA SOGO DESIGN.
At the end of these four years of study, the student will obtain a double degree. A French diploma issued by AUTOGRAF and certified by the FEDE (Federation for EDucation in Europe). But (s)he will also get the Japanese diploma from OSAKA SOGO DESIGN which certifies a professional two-year training in Japan.
Training duration: 4 years. 2 in Paris and 2 in Osaka (Japan).
Professions: at the end of these four years of study in France and Japan, students will have a complete background both professional and linguistic. Thanks to this background, they will be allowed to integrate specific professional areas in Japan, but also in France or even internationally.
Further studies: at the end of the first two years, in the event that the student can not continue his training in Japan, it is possible for him/her to move towards a third year of one of our Bachelors (Graphic & Digital Design or Video Game Design). At the end of this third year, (s)he will be able to earn the pertaining Bachelor degree, and continue his studies in a more classic way: Master’s degree course in France or internationally.
Validation of an international French-Japanese double degree
This double degree allows students to assert the legitimacy of their studies, both in Japan and France...and in most countries of the world - thanks to the FEDE certification of their International Bachelor. Thanks to this degree, they can have a better professional integration as well as a better pursuit of Masters studies if they wish. During the four years of the training, students have lessons taught by Japanese professors and they meet Japanese professionals from manga, animation and video games fields.