Damien De La Marlier, Digital Design Studio
Damien De La Marlier studied at the School of Fine Arts and has a Master's Degree in Art and New Image Technologies from Paris VIII University (Saint-Denis). After completing his education, he specialised in Graphic Design on Print then trained in Desktop Publishing and its main softwares. He quickly developed interest for the trade of web graphic designer that combined both his artistic knowledge and his regard for emerging new media.
Damien De La Marlier worked for MRM//McCann Paris, e-TF1, Netgem among others, often in sectors related to e-commerce. He witnessed the way the web evolved, from the reign of full flah websites to the ongoing discussions on Responsive Web Design and User Experience. The end game remains the same: offering creative and functional solutions, whatever the medium used: web, tablet, mobile phone and TV.
For several years now, he has dedicated his time to working in various Art and Visual Communication Schools, teaching design and project supervision, thus reconciling teaching, artistic practice and developing knowledge on new multimedia devices.
Visit his website: http://damiendlm.fr/